My dear parishioners:
With recent expected and unexpected repairs and maintenance on our church, and with the astronomical increases in utilities and insurance, and everything else, we have been suffering a financial deficit every month. The projected budget deficit for this fiscal year is about $10,000 a month! While we have paid for the projects with your generous donations, we have had to dip into our savings to cover the everyday expenses (i.e. utilities, payroll, insurance, etc.).
If everyone increased their donation 30 percent, our deficit would be eased a great deal, and we might be able to survive until more families join us and help carry the burden. While an increase such as this might seem too much, in reality it might be feasible. Let's say someone has been giving 10 dollars per month to the collection basket, that person is now being asked to consider giving instead $13 a month. Some others might be giving $100 a month; now, they are being asked to consider giving $130 a month.
Yes, I know this may not be possible for everyone in these challenging and unpredictable times, I do ask that you do three things. First, call to mind all that God has given you: your health, your good jobs, your great skills! Above all, your wonderful families, the freedom we enjoy in this country, and the heritage of faith! Please think about sustaining this your church NOT because the priest says he needs more money to keep the lights on and the furnace running, BUT because this St. Agatha Church is actually your beloved and cherished spiritual home for many years!!! Please consider increasing your donations monthly to maintain this place, because this is where you receive our Blessed Lord in Holy Communion at every Holy Mass, where you hear His life-giving Words every Sunday, where you find comfort and rest apart from a noisy and stressful world! Please think about this parish, St. Agatha's, because here is where your family grew up, here is where you and your siblings received the Sacraments, here is where you all were educated by dedicated teachers! Please think of this place, because this is where you have formed such beautiful friendships that go back many years and even decades! Please think about these intangible but tremendous and real and life-sustaining blessings that our good God has generously bestowed on you and your loved ones in this church, and open your hearts to hear my plea for help to keep its doors open for future generations!
Second, and this is crucial: please ask the Lord to reveal to you if what you are giving back to Him through your financial support to this church is enough, not enough, or just right. Please ask yourselves: Is my giving reflecting adequately the gratitude and trust in my heart?
Third, then, having been praying and discussing with your loved ones, please come to a decision about what you will contribute to the parish in 2025.
Next Weekend we will have available in church an envelope for each family with this letter and a pledge form that you can fill out and drop in the collection basket or in the Parish Office. There will also be blank pledge forms available in the back of the church from now on.
Thank you for your prayer and discernment, for being a faithful St. Agatha parishioner, and for all the ways you support our parish with your time, talent, and treasure. You are of great value to the parish and to me because you have said Yes to following Christ and being a member of His Body, regardless of what you are able to give.
May Christ bring to completion the good work He has already begun in us!
Father Luan Tran