My Dear Parishioners, Below is a copy of the letters to all priests by the Archbishop that I want you to read and help me! Padre
My Dear Brother Priests, Praised be Jesus Christ!
As a Catholic community, we are called to witness to the dignity of every human life, recognizing each person as a unique creation of God. In recent years we have seen the overturning of Roe v. Wade and witnessed a swell of pro-life advocacy in our region, which fills me with joy and gratitude. The culture of life is destined to win because the power of God is at work in our world. I am writing to invite you to an evening of celebration, inspiration, and a powerful call to action at the Life Gala hosted by the Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon. This special event is dedicated to embracing and cherishing life in all its forms, spotlighting local initiatives, and uniting our community in a shared commitment to uphold the sanctity of life. The Life Gala will bring together our local Pro-Life leaders and advocates with a guest speaker from the Sisters of Life and keynote speaker Abby Johnson.
This special occasion will be held on February 17, 2024 at the Multnomah Athletic Club. Your presence would be a testament to your commitment to life and a significant support to our efforts in promoting a culture of life.
I am confident this event will sell out quickly. The standard cost of a table is $1,000, however, parishes who register before December 15, 2023 will pay only $900.
Registration information can be found at If you have any questions, please contact Alex Nelson, Stewardship and Development Officer, at (503) 233-8346 or[email protected].
In Christ, Most Rev. Alexander K. Sample, Archbishop of Portland in Oregon"