My dearest parishioners,
I came here in July 2018, more than 6 years ago. It was a providential decision by the Archbishop that has absolutely forced me to expedite my spiritual progress in a hurry. I was forced to step out of my complacent self and look up to heaven begging for help! Begging God for help because I was overwhelmed by what I saw! Gradually, problems became opportunities, fear gave place to trust, and dread yielded to confidence – in God! And now, the Archbishop has just reappointed me to another six-year term. For a long time, I had been counting down the days to the moment when my purgatory would end. But then miracles started to happen, prayers got answered, and the eyes of my heart began to open and notice things. One Sunday morning, the ceiling in the sacristy collapsed, but not until my altar server had stepped away from the spot over which two big chunks of concrete fell. At the end of the last school Mass in 2023, the big bell fell apart and its massive clapper became undone and dropped toward the ground, but the ceiling in the vestibule stopped it on the way down before it would crash through and kill or maim one of us who had just arrived just underneath its shadow at the end of the recessional hymn. And then there is the miraculous exodus of students from one particular school into our school in May in 2023 - just in time to help keep a 112-year-old institution from total collapse. I could go on, but you catch my drift! More than six years on and I am at home with myself and with the world here at St. Agatha’s!
With recent expected and unexpected repairs and maintenance on our church, and the astronomical increases in utilities and insurance, and everything else, we have been suffering a financial deficit every month: $10,000 a month! While we have paid for the projects with your generous donations, we have had to dip into our savings to cover the everyday expenses (i.e. utilities, payroll, insurance, etc.). Please don’t take me wrong! We have been focusing our efforts like a laser beam on preserving the church building – this beautiful edifice that’s been round 113 years! Incredible! What’s more, you have been generous with the Archbishop’s Appeal. Even this year has seen 60 contributions that amount to 81 percent of goal – which in itself is very commendable! But now we need your help with the parish operations – nothing glamorous, but everything essential and necessary!
If you all increased your monthly donations by 30%, our deficit would be going down maybe just enough, so that, hopefully, we might be able to survive until better times arrive and more families join us and help carry the burden. While an increase such as this might seem too much, in reality it might be feasible. Let's say someone has been giving 10 dollars per month to the collection basket, that person is now being asked to consider giving instead $13 a month. Some others might be giving $100 a month; now, they are being asked to consider giving $130 a month.
My goal, however, goes beyond the short term. It’s the broader question of faith – the seriousness of our faith. The future of our church hinges on our faith. And faith has to do with reaching out, of evangelizing, of living authentic Christian life, of sharing Christ’s Good News with others, of being true witnesses capable of generating encounters with God in daily life, of helping family and friends and even strangers see how God has made your lives and my life full to the brim with joy and enthusiasm. Ultimately, we have the responsibility to sanctify the world by our living authentically and faithfully the Word in each one of us! If we live the Word in us faithfully, God will make sure the future be ours! And it’s already here! I can even taste it!
Yes, it’s about money, but it is not about money! If it is only about money, then it’s absolutely tedious and dreadful. But this is about faith and hope for the future!
So, 3 things! First, call to mind all that God has given you: your health, your good jobs, your great skills! Above all, your wonderful families, the freedom we enjoy in this country, and the heritage of faith! Please think about sustaining this your church NOT because the priest says he needs more money to keep the lights on and the furnace running, BUT because this St. Agatha Church is actually your beloved and cherished spiritual home for many years!!! This church is where you receive our Blessed Lord in Holy Communion at every Holy Mass, where you hear His life-giving Words every Sunday, where you find comfort and rest apart from a noisy and stressful world! This church is where your family grew up, here is where you and your siblings received the Sacraments, here is where you all were educated by dedicated teachers! This church is where you have formed beautiful friendships that go back many years and even decades! These are some intangible but tremendous and real life-sustaining blessings that our good God has generously bestowed on you and your loved ones in this church. I hope you take into account all these things when you think reflect on the significance this church has in your life.
Second, please ask the Lord to reveal to you if what you are giving back to Him through your financial support to this church is enough, not enough, or just right. “Is my giving reflecting adequately the gratitude and trust in my heart?”
Third, then, having been praying and discussing with your loved ones, please come to a decision about what you will contribute to the parish in 2025.
Our Lord detests hypocrites and so I must try to stay on the side of the sheep and not of the goats. Since this is my home too, I have decided to contribute my own salary and my allowances to this endeavor. Since January of this year, I have voluntarily taken a pay cut which included a reduction in my salary. And I don’t take Mass stipends. I have also put in cost-saving measures for the church. We rely more on volunteer musicians now – including you! Beginning with the first cold days in October, we will have Holy Mass in the chapel to save on heat. I myself have been vigilant in making sure utilities are carefully monitored. Staffing is at minimal level: Karen is the only full-time lay worker. Our business manager Pat Hainley has been donating his time and talent, saving us tons of money!
This Weekend we will have available in church an envelope for each family with this letter and a pledge form that you can fill out and drop in the collection basket or in the Parish Office. Thank you for your prayer and discernment, for being a faithful St. Agatha parishioner, and for all the ways you support our parish with your time, talent, and treasure.
May Christ bring to completion the good work He has already begun in us!