Now that the church repairs project has reached its goal, I would like to offer a word of thanks to all who contribute to this three-year effort.
Of course, we could have kicked the can down the road for other people who would follow us, but many of you have decided to take on the responsibility to preserve this church now - at its most critical point in its long history. You have realized and recognized, as I have, the importance of standing tall with an open-armed gesture to invite the world around us to come in and to look at the Christian proposal as embodied by our parish here in this neighborhood. You have also believed in the future of our mission and the worthiness of the cause by offering up prayers and your hard-earned dollars to this collective effort. You have made tremendous sacrifices with your contributions in order that the Gospel might have a place for its proclamation, and the faithful might have a place to hear it, and the lost might find its way back to God by walking through its doors in this very un-churched part of a very un-churched city in a very un-churched state!
By your sacrifices you are saying to me, your pastor, and your fellow parishioners, that it is worthwhile to preserve this historic building, because it is more than just a historic building, because it is truly the temple of God and the gate of heaven in this locality where God has put it in the first place so long ago. And so: I salute you and I thank you and I pray that God be indeed your reward for your generosity!