Welcome to St. Agatha's Altar Society! We take great pride in tending to the beautification of St. Agatha Church which includes cleaning the church, flowers and seasonal decorations, maintaining candles, missals, wine and hosts, linens, vestments and other needs for the mass. The Altar Society also supports outside ministries such as the Road 2 Hope Maternity Home and the Well Water Project for third-world countries. We have many opportunities for volunteers to help with our fundraisers throughout the year.
Please join us during our monthly meetings. Meeting Details:
Second Sunday of most months, September through June
It is our mission, under the guidance of the pastor, to provide for the needs of St. Agatha’s Church to maintain a beautiful place of worship. With love and generosity, we will serve our parish by providing all articles pertaining to the Sanctuary. Through this service to Our Lord, we will strive to further our own spiritual sanctification as the means necessary for success in the work of Lay Apostolate.
God assures us it is His delight to be with his children. This, His abode, should be a worthy place, a beautiful and clean Sanctuary. It shall be the duty, therefore, of this worthy Society to provide for the needs of this Sanctuary within the House of God. Thus, we wish also to sanctify our hearts that He may find within us a worthy and beautiful dwelling place...
The first mention of an altar society is found in church records from 1929, in minutes of a parish women’s society called the “Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary.” Records show that our current St. Agatha’s Altar Society became an official organization in 1950 and was affiliated with ACCW (Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women).
All women of the parish were members and meetings were held in individual homes. There were 8 guilds that were organized by geographical locations of the parish. Today, there is one organization that meets monthly in the St. Francis Meeting Room in the Parish Hall on the first Sunday of the month. Members include both men and women.